
Hi there!

I am a fourth year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Huan Liu at the Data Mining and Machine Learning Lab at the School of CS & AI, Arizona State University. My current research primarily focuses on: (i) leveraging large language models (LLMs) for human-intensive tasks in a machine learning pipeline, (ii) robust detection of AI-generated content, and (iii) NLP applications in domain adaptation and domain generalization. During the summer of 2022, I interned at Nokia Bell Labs as a Software Systems Research Intern, under the guidance of Buvaneswari Ramanan and Thomas Woo, where I worked on problems in the realm of continual learning and low-resource learning in real-world use-cases. When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling, hiking, kayaking, camping and chilling with my cat Luna!

📢 News

[Apr 2024] Gave an invited talk at the ASU Cronkite School of Journalism for an AI in Journalism course for Masters students in Investigative Journalism, on Large Lnaguage Models: Opportunites and Threats in Journalism. Slides

[Mar 2024] Our demo paper “ResumeFlow: An LLM-facilitated Pipeline for Personalized Resume Generation and Refinement” has been accepted at SIGIR 2024! Paper Link

[Jan 2024] I have accepted an offer to join NVIDIA as an Applied Research Intern for Summer 2024, working on LLM Safety!

[Jan 2024] Invited to serve as a Program Committee member at IJCAI 2024 (Survey Track).

[Jan 2024] Our paper “Adversarial Text Purification: A Large Language Model Approach for Defense” has been accepted at PAKDD 2024! Paper Link

[Dec 2023] Our paper “Towards LLM-guided Causal Explainability for Black-box Text Classifiers” has been accepted at the AAAI 2024 Responsible Language Models worskhop, Vancouver, Canada! Paper Link

[Nov 2023] Our paper “ConDA: Contrastive Domain Adaptation for AI-generated Text Detection” won the 🏆 Oustanding Paper Award 🏆 at IJCNLP-AACL 2023, held in Bali, Indonesia! Paper Link

Meet my wonderful rescue cat, Luna!
