Teaching & Service


Current Mentees:

  1. Saurabh Bhausaheb Zinjad (MS CS) LinkedIN
  2. Aryan Vinod Keluskar (FURI Undergrad) LinkedIN

Past Mentees:

  1. Ayushi Nirmal (MS CS) LinkedIN
  2. Punit Sai Arani (Undergrad - Honors thesis) LinkedIN
  3. Neha Balamurugan (Undergrad - Honors thesis) LinkedIN



Fall 2024: Project Coordinator and Guest Lecturer: CSE 472 - Social Media Mining

I am currently serving as the Project Coordinator and a Guest Lecturer for the course CSE 472: Social Media Mining, offered by my Ph.D advisor Dr. Huan Liu, in Fall 2024. Guest lectures: (1) Data Mining, (2) Introduction to Large Language Models: The Good, Bad and the Ugly Slides.

As a project coordinator, I am in charge of leading how course projects are designed, as well as designing two specific course project, mentoring and assisting students, and grading the final projects.

Fall 2023: Project Coordinator and Mentor: Barrett Honors College

I served as the Project Coordinator whereby I designed and developed a project for the Barrett Honors college with the topic Political Bias and Strategic Influence Operations in Large Language Models. I also had the opportunity of mentoring 4 undergraduate students working on this interesting project.

Fall 2023: Project Coordinator & Invited Speaker: CSE 472 - Social Media Mining

I served as the Project Coordinator and an Invited Speaker for the course CSE 472: Social Media Mining, offered by my Ph.D advisor Dr. Huan Liu, in Fall 2023. As a project coordinator, I was in charge of designing a course project, mentoring and assisting students, and grading the final projects. Project topic I designed: Large Language Models as Components in a Machine Learning Pipeline.

Invited lecture on: A Primer on Large Language Models

Fall 2021: Project Coordinator: CSE 472 - Social Media Mining

I served as the Project Coordinator for the course CSE 472: Social Media Mining, offered by my Ph.D advisor Dr. Huan Liu, in Fall 2021. I was in charge of designing a course project, mentoring and assisting students, and grading the final projects. Project topic I designed: Machine Generated Text Detection.

Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

I was appointed as a CIS Research Aide for Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Mazzola at the W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU. I was responsible for serving as an assistant for the courses CIS 430: Mobile Platforms for Business, CIS 505: Introduction to Enterprise Analytics and CIS 506: Information Management. As part of my duties, I assisted students with assignments, projects and also graded assignments and quizzes.

Fall 2019

I was appointed as the TA for the undergraduate course Principles of Programming (Java) offered in Fall 2019. My responsobilities included teaching the recitals (labs), grading, and holding office hours for help with programming assignments and course content.

Reviewing & Conference Duties

  1. Program Committee Member for IJCAI 2025 (Survey), SDM 2025, AAAI 2025, AAAI 2024, AAAI 2023, IJCAI 2024 (Survey), SBP-BRiMS 2024, SBP-BRiMS 2023

  2. External reviewer for SNAM: Social Network Analysis and Mining, JNCA: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, IPM: Information Processing and Management, CogSys: Cognitive Systems Research, Behavior and Information Technology, MINT workshop at NeuRIPS 2024, SSHO: Social Sciences & Humanities Open (Elsevier), ACL SRW 2025, IJCAI HAI (Human Aware AI) 2025.

  3. Sub-reviewer for CIKM 2020, ASONAM 2020

  4. Student Volunteer at 15th ACM International WSDM Conference - WSDM 2022

  5. Panel Facilitator at ASU-Mayo Workshop on Generative AI and Large Language Models: Opportunities and Challenges for Healthcare and Medicine 2023: Facilitated and moderated two panels: (1) Enhancing Clinical Decision Support with LLMs, (2) Validation and Verification of AI-generated Medical Research